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Some Quick Forex Informationforex trading signals
PIP is nothing special but Price Interest Points. In the forex market, currencies are always priced in pairs. The quoted price is the level where we, acting as the market maker, are willing to buy/sell the currency pair. In the wholesale market, currencies are quoted out to four decimal places, with the last placeholder called a point or a pip. A pip in most currencies is one /10,000th of an exchange rate (in USD/JPY, it is one /100th, likewise you can find for others).
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Always leave the forecasting to the pros unless you are playing the Forex as a hobby and don't have a lot of money invested...Or like most people you will learn the hard way.
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At present mostly all the operations on the Forex market are conducting only to obtain profit. With the development of Internet and other means of communication this sector of the financial markets becomes more accessible and attractive for the investors of different levels.
Forex GaloreDaily Forex Market Commentary for October 18, 2006Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:11:00 GMT
Forex Market Commentary for October 18, 2006
GFT Daily Forex Market Commentary by Cornelius Luca
The dollar fell broadly on Tuesday amid a very strong TIC data report, a very strong core PPI and a very weak industrial production...
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W.D. Gann Trading Methods - Genius Trader or Overrated Guru
W.D. Gann is one of the most famous traders of all time, and has a huge devoted following - however the fact is, Gann never made the huge profits many of his disciples claim.
He did not have a success rate of 90%, as is often claimed - the logic his methods are based upon are unsound, and his predictive methods don�t predict - they leave everything to subjective opinion!
Let�s examine his theories of investment in more detail and see.
Let�s look at some common myths about how great a trader Gann actually was:
Many sources quote Gann�s trading profits at $50 million dollars, however this is not true.
An interview that Alexander Elder had with his son tells the truth.
Firstly, his son confirmed that when his father died in the 1950s his estate was valued at just $100,000 - and that included his house.
Secondly, his son confirmed that Gann was unable to make enough money from trading, and therefore supplemented his income by writing and selling courses.
W.D. Gann�s Predictions
Many sources quote he had a success rate in all his trades of over 90% - again not true. We can easily deduce this from the value of his estate.
If he could make money trading and had a 90% success rate, he would have made hundreds of millions in his trading career - and he clearly did not - that�s why he had to sell books and courses.
The only evidence of a 90% success rate came from a small number of trades - and was not representative of them all.
Gann�s Methods are Predictive
Gann came to the conclusion that all natural phenomena are cyclical - including financial markets. This is true, but this is an obvious statement - we all know we�re going to die but when exactly?
A predictive theory is not a predictive theory if it can�t predict.
If Gann�s theory really is predictive, then there would be no market - as we would all know the price in advance!
Gann�s theory is subjective - and he really had no way of predicting the future with accuracy. It�s all subjective analysis and this is NOT a predictive theory.
Gann�s Logic
The basis of Gann�s theory is the principle that price and time must balance.
His methods are based on the squaring of price with time - this occurs when a unit of price equals a unit of time.
Gann for example would take a prominent high in the market, convert that dollar unit into a specified period of time and project it forward. When that time is reached, price and time are squared - and a market turn is due.
What? - How can one unit of price equal one unit of time? If you think about and answer this question for yourself, you will see how absurd the connection is.
This isn�t the only inconsistency used in his analysis - we also have the legendary Fibonacci numbers which are supposed to work with stunning accuracy - but they don�t, and neither do all sorts of astrology and geometry, that appeals to the far out investment crowd.
As we have seen, Gann was a trader who had modest success, and claimed to have discovered a predictive theory - which predicts nothing with accuracy.
Finally, we have so many subjective indicators cobbled together, that the theory can prove anything in hindsight, but if you want a tool to trade the markets look elsewhere.
For those of you still not convinced - I recently saw on the Internet, Gann�s trading methods selling for under $1,000!
Sounds like a bargain to get trades with 90% accuracy - I wonder how many serious money managers have it on their bookshelf.
Enough said.
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Let's Talk About Forexforex brokers
Current events and the state of the economy in any given nation is one of the top economic indicators used when analyzing the Forex. Factors such as unemployment numbers, housing statistics and the current state of a country's government can all affect changes in the Forex. When a country is feeling optimisitic about the current state of affairs in their country, prices of the Forex will reflect this. When a nation experiences political unrest, large amounts of unemployed workers and inflation, the rate of the currency will be reflected. Sometimes, this indicator tends to be overlooked, but can serve as an important gauge in the fluctuations of the Forex.
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Forex currency trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another.
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For traders, Forex trading provides an alternative to stock market trading. While there are thousands of stocks to choose from, there are only a few major currencies to trade (the Dollar, Yen, British Pound, Swiss Franc, and the Euro are the most popular). Forex trading also provides a lot more leverage than stock trading, and the minimum investment to get started is a lot lower. Add to that the ability to choose flexible trading hours (forex trading goes on 24 hours a day) and you have the reason why so many stock traders have flocked to day trade currencies.
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You can start playing the currency trading market with real market conditions immediately. Trading opportunities in the forex currency trading market are now available to individuals through technology interfaces such as those used by major currency trading brokerage firms (usually large corporations with big tummies). If you decide to hire a professional who takes advantage of this technology, you will be able to view your accounts' closed trades 24 hours per day through a secured, online access portal.
All The Latest News From The Forex WorldNuclear power's white-hot metalThu, 27 Mar 2008 11:42:58 EDT
The clock is chasing down 1 A.M. It's late for dinner - or for interviews - in Almaty, Kazakhstan's former capital. But self-made Kazakh uranium czar Moukhtar Dzhakishev is just hitting his stride. Between spoonfuls of Beluga caviar and bites of ruby-colored tuna flown in from Dubai, he is explaining that his small state-owned company, Kazatomprom, will soon rule the global nuclear energy industry. "I don't think there will be any competitors," he says softly. "I will eat them."

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