Today's Forex News
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Any broad-based economic conditions can cause a sudden and dramatic currency price swing if such conditions are seen to be changing. This is a key concept because what drives the currency market in many cases is the anticipation of an economic condition rather than the condition itself.
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For those interesting in being involved with Forex trading, a basic understanding of how the system works is essential. Understanding both forecasting systems and how they can predict the market trends will help Forex traders be successful with their trading. Most experienced traders and brokers involved with the Forex use a system of both technical and fundamental information when making decisions about the Forex market. When used together, they can provide the trader with invaluable information about where the currency trends are headed.
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The beginner forex currency trading should take note of the major currencies are the U.S. dollar (USD), the Euro dollar (EUR), the Japanese yen (JPY), the British pound sterling (GBP) [known as cable], the Swiss franc (CHF), the Canadian dollar (CAD), and the Australian dollar (AUD). All other currencies are referred to as minors.
Some Online Forex StoriesBuffett's European vacationWed, 23 Apr 2008 07:56:44 EDT
The billionaire investor will visit the Continent to scout out possible acquisitions of family-owned companies, report says.